Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Snow in Africa

Ay up slag heaps! You've just caught me tending to me bushel. Whew! Wadda day out there? So blustery innit? Been doing a bit of indoor gardening as you can see. Couldn't be arsed to go outside today. Way too cold and nasty. I find the weather mega inspiring at the moment. I've composed a few lines of a short story that I'd like a to share with you . . . .

'Marjorie turned around. His face were pressed up against the window pane, like proper gross and stuff. He banged on the window and that. Marjorie mused on the matter awhile as he smeared a mixture of blood, snot and tears against the glass.
"Please!" he pleaded. "Help me!" he demanded. The wind smacked round the corners of the house. 'We'll have fish fingers,' thought Marjorie turning back round to gaze into the open chest freezer, 'fish fingers will do just fine.' Her face glowed in the light of her torch. It were proper chilling and everything.

Wow, do you ever just feel grateful for all the talent that you have inside of you and stuff? I know I do. Sometimes I feel so deep and meaningful. It well freaks me out.

I'm gonna have a little soak me hearties . . .

Dum de dum de dummmmm. Tra la laaaaa. Ooooooh well there won't be snow in Africa this criss mass timeee the best pressie that they will get is looooove

I bloody love Bono. He really does so much for our awareness of situations. I mean, did you know about how it doesn't snow in Africa.

Humbled big time.

Laters haters.